Sims 4 Custom Trait Tutorial

6 min readJun 1, 2021

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Automatically Add Traits to All SimsAug 28, 2020 22:30:52 GMT -5MizoreYukii, august_sun, and 2 more like this

Post by frankk on Aug 28, 2020 22:30:52 GMT -5

This tutorial has been updated!
Please view the updated tutorial on Medium.
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Are you making a mod that has custom traits? Do any of those traits need to be automatically assigned to all of the sims in the game? This tutorial will show you one quick way to achieve that. It is assumed that you already have your custom trait(s) made, and that you are at least somewhat familiar with Python scripting.
Part 1: Get an injector
Injectors are used to insert your code into the game’s code. If you already have an injector, skip this step. If not, you can use the following:
from functools import wraps
def inject(target_function, new_function):
def _inject(*args, **kwargs):
return new_function(target_function, *args, **kwargs)
return _inject
def inject_to(target_object, target_function_name):
def _inject_to(new_function):
target_function = getattr(target_object, target_function_name)
setattr(target_object, target_function_name, inject(target_function, new_function))
return new_function
return _inject_to

This will be used to append your script to existing scripts in the game.
Part 2: Define your trait injector
You'll need a function that determines which traits to add to whom. This will of course vary heavily depending on your needs, but you can base your function off of the following:
import services
def CREATORNAME_MODNAME_add_traits_to_sim(sim_info):
trait_manager = services.trait_manager()
YOUR_TRAIT_NAME = trait_manager.get(YOUR_TRAIT_TUNING_ID) # add as many of these as you need
if sim_info is None or YOUR_CONDITIONS_HERE:

Of course, replace `YOUR_TRAIT_NAME` with a name to store your trait in, and create more variables for however traits you would like to add. In order to assign these variables their values, you have to use the traits' decimal tuning ID in place of `YOUR_TRAIT_TUNING_ID`.
Replace `YOUR_CONDITIONS_HERE` with anything you'd like to filter sims by (i.e. if your trait only applies to humans, then add a condition here that checks if the `sim_info` is not a human). You'll have to do some digging into the `sims.sim_info` module to know everything that's possible to do here, but as a couple of examples:
from sims.sim_info_types import Age
if sim_info is None or sim_info.age < Age.TEEN:
# this would make it so that your trait(s) can only be applied to sims that are teens or older
# keep in mind that this does NOT filter out animals or occults

from sims.sim_info_types import Age, Species
if sim_info is None or sim_info.age != Age.ADULT or sim_info.species != Species.HUMAN:
# this would make it so that your trait(s) can only be applied to adult, human sims
# keep in mind that this filters out animals, but NOT occults

Please note: I highly recommend that you include a condition to check if the `sim_info` has already had your trait(s) added to it.This will prevent the game from trying to add the same traits again, which will improve performance. You can do that like this:
if sim_info is None or sim_info.has_trait(YOUR_TRAIT_NAME):

Of course, add more `sim_info.has_trait(YOUR_TRAIT_NAME)` cases for each trait you're adding, or create a helper function to make your code more readable and concise.
The last part is there for if you have multiple traits that should be applied to different sims after the list is filtered. For example:
if sim_info.species Species.CAT:
elif sim_info.species Species.DOG:

There are more interesting kinds of checks you can do, too:
# this would add your trait to all sims with an existing trait
if sim_info.has_trait(trait_manager.get(SOME_TRAIT_TUNING_ID)):

As you can see, this portion is very open for customization. You can even change this code to make it work for something other than traits - that is just the example I am using here!
Part 3: Set your code's entry point
Everything you wrote so far is great, but it will not work until you hook it up to the game's code. You can do that with the following:
from sims.sim import Sim
# this will call the function you defined in Step 2 each time a new sim is spawned in)
@inject_to(Sim, 'on_add')
def CREATORNAME_MODNAME_add_traits_after_sim_spawned(original, self, *args, **kwargs):
result = original(self, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
# use a custom error logger here if you have one, if not, just use the below line
raise Exception(f'Error with MODNAME by CREATORNAME: {str(e)}')
return result

This entry point will trigger every time a sim is loaded into the world, and guarantees that every sim will have had your trait(s) added to them by the time you interact with them.
If need be, you can also load your traits to all sims after each loading screen with the following (but this is optional, and the former entry point should be enough for most cases):
from sims.sim_info_manager import SimInfoManager
@inject_to(SimInfoManager, 'on_loading_screen_animation_finished')
def CREATORNAME_MODNAME_add_traits_after_load(original, self, *args, **kwargs):
result = original(self, *args, **kwargs)
for sim_info in services.sim_info_manager().get_all():
except Exception as e:
# use a custom error logger here if you have one, if not, just use the below line
raise Exception(f'Error with MODNAME by CREATORNAME: {str(e)}')
return result

Hopefully this tutorial helped you! If you have any questions, leave them on this thread.
EDIT 1: I edited this tutorial to make it more efficient. It now only applies the trait to a single sim as they are created, rather than iterating through all sims in the game every time a new sim is created.
EDIT 2: I realized there was a way to get rid of the entry point that adds the trait(s) to every sim on zone load. It's now even more efficient, as the code only runs for each individual sim as they are spawned in!
EDIT 3: I included the code that can load your traits after a screen load, in case anyone finds it useful.

More traits sims 4

Sims 4

The Sims 4 Custom Traits Broken with 1.68 Patch + Mod Constructor Update

Hey everyone,

Are you making a mod that has custom traits? Do any of those traits need to be automatically assigned to all of the sims in the game? This tutorial will show you one quick way to achieve that. It is assumed that you already have your custom trait(s) made, and that you are at least somewhat familiar with Python scripting. Part 1: Get an injector. Create a Custom Trait — Sims 4 — Zerbu’s Mod Constructor V4 Tutorial. I’m trying to use this application to make a Trait, but I keep getting the ‘Only lower priority components can be added to an element while it’s in the middle of being built.’ I’m looking for a comprehensive tutorial — initially I read there was a pdf file but I can’t find it.

I know about Zerbu’s tool already, but it’s rarely updated and good tutorials are surprisingly hard to find. Google has proven less than helpful. I have nothing but free time these days, so I’d like to start creating something to give back to the various modding communities that have given so much to me over the years.

As some of you may know, custom traits are broken with patch 1.68. Specifically, they cause the new Sim Profile UI to glitch up.

I’ve released an update to Mod Constructor to fix the issue. Modders will have to re-export their custom traits to apply the fix.

Traits that are not made with Mod Constructor are the responsibility of their creators to fix.

Sims 4 Custom Trait Tutorial Free


The issue is due to the UI not understanding 64-bit trait IDs, and the solution is to use 32-bit IDs instead. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of breaking compatibility with existing saved games and saved Sims in your library. If you already have Sims with custom traits, they will lose them and you’ll have to re-apply them. There’s nothing I can do to fix this.

For Sims that have already been placed in the world, one way to add back old traits is using MC Command Center. Under MCC Settings > Notification/Command/Menu Settings > Console Command Settings, there is an option to enable debug commands that can be accessed by shift+clicking a Sim or object. One command allows you to add any trait to a Sim.

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